Credit for taking initiative action regarding observation of “Fire Service Week” goes to the Standing Fire Advisory Council (SFAC), the council members decided in the very first meeting (Feb’1956) to observe a “Fire Prevention Week” simultaneously all over the country once in a year, preferably before the Diwali.
In the fifth meeting (August’ 1958), a proposal was made to observe “National Fire Prevention Week” annually during April/May rather than in November from year 1959 due to climatic condition of some the states and pre-occupied public with the preparation for the Diwali festival. The SFAC recommended to observe Fire Prevention Week annually in the second week of the February in view of pleasant climatic condition and less likelihood of major festival in this month.
In the eleventh meeting (Mar’1965), The Committee resolved that the observance of the Fire Prevention Week every year was not necessary but instead of this there should be one day designated every year as “Fire Services Day” in order to attract public attention. In respect of the Fire Services Day, the SFAC proposed that this day should be linked with some significant event connected with the fire services and for that purpose several suggestions were made by the members. It was generally felt that “14 th of April” the day on which the Dock Explosion took place in Bombay, in which fire fighters played heroic and gallant part should be considered for this purpose.
The significance of “Fire Service Week” dates back to the fateful yet historical day on 14th April 1944 at 16:40 Hr, at Bombay Dockyard popularly known as the “Great Bombay Dock Fire”. The massive and devastating fire broke out on a ship, the S.S. “Fort Stikene” which was carrying 1,200 tons of explosives, cotton bales and oil drums. In the line of duty to extinguish fire and to save public sixty-six brave and devoted fire fighters of Bombay Fire Service sacrificed their lives.
Every year on 14th of April is observed as “Martyrs Day” to pay homage to those brave Fire Personnel who lost their precious lives while performing their duty. From year 1995, “Fire Service Week” is being observed from 14th April to 20th April all around the country.
On 14th April 2016, Department of Posts India issued a
commemorative postage stamp in the honor of “Fire Services of India” which have a glorious history.
Fire Service theme for last 13 years is tabulated below: