Significant loss to business occurs due to fires in industries workplaces. Irrespective of size fire causes personal suffering, damage to equipment, plants / buildings. In India, major fire incidents have occurred, for example IOC Jaipur Oil Depot (29 October 2009), Sivakasi Fireworks Factory Explosion (05 September 2012), Factory building fire in Delhi’s Anaj-mandi area (08 December 2019) etc.

As far as fire safety norms are concerned, following excerpts from “Factories Act- 1948” emphasizes on requirement of fire safety in industrial setup.


Precautions in case of fire:

  • In every factory, all practicable measures shall he taken to prevent outbreak of fire and its spread, both internally and externally, and to provide and maintain
    • safe means of escape for all persons in the event of a fire
    • the necessary equipment and facilities for extinguishing fire
  • Effective measures shall be taken to ensure that in every factory all the workers are familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such cases.
  • The State Government may make rules, in respect of any factory or class or description of factories, requiring the measures to be adopted to give effect to the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2)”

Subsequently State governments has made specific rules for their jurisdictions with due importance to fire safety. For industrial setup of specific hazard dedicated norms / guidelines are being enforced by government to ensure desired level of fire safety provisions such as OISD norms for petrochemical industry, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board guidelines for Nuclear Power Plant, ICAO norms for Airport etc. We have listed some industries where dedicated fire safety professionals are employed to ensure fire safety within factory/plant.

Airport Thermal Power Plant Automobile Manufacturers Nuclear Power Plant
Cement Plant Refineries PNG / Town Gas Suppliers Rubber/Tyre Manufacturers
FMCG Ship Builders Home Appliance Manufacturers Steel
Paint Textile Pharmaceutical Printing Press