As per the National Crime Record Bureau’s “Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India -2018 Annual Report” 12,748 people died due to fire and 7,208 deaths (56.7% of total deaths caused by fire) occurred due to fire incidents in residential buildings. The State/UT wise analysis of place of fire accidents revealed that 23 States and UTs have reported 50% or more deaths due to “Fire in residential or dwelling building” [source:, page 12].

In view of above facts, it becomes crucial for us to follow best practices / fire safety habits at our home to prevent fire. Old adage “Prevention is better than cure” is very true for fire safety as it is always better to stop worst from happening than repenting on later.

We have listed few fire safety habits to keep home safe from fire, though habits listed below does not guarantee 100 % safety from fire but will certainly help in reducing unsafe acts leading to fire.